I just read two articles that said children who are adopted probably won't sleep by themselves for some time. (Now I feel like a HORRIBLE parent. Poor Lilli is probably asleep having nightmares about the lady who left her in that big room all by herself.) The articles stated that co-sleeping is a form of bonding and attachment and that eventually, when the child feels secure, she won't need us in the room with her. Both articles said that most parents put a twin bed into the nursery and sleep in the same room with the child. One of the articles (from an experienced adoptive parent) said that they allowed the child to sleep in bed with them. This is what I have been doing. I have to rock Lilli a bit and she usually snuggles in and goes to sleep. I can lay down with her and she usually only stirs but then drifts back to deep sleep. When I get up from the bed she is fine unless she wakes up. If she wakes up and she is alone, she screams. I don't know what to do. Maybe I am being too hard on myself; I mean we've only had her for 16 days. I just don't want to screw her up!
Here is the pea pod at the East Lake in Wuhan chillin'. She likes to prop her feet up whenever and where ever possible, even her high chair. One of the other babies did this a lot as well.
1 comment:
Lorie, don't start anything that your not prepared to have happen for the next five years. When we got back from China, we were still giving our Alex a bottle and our pediatritian told us not to do that anymore, she told us it was easier to break the habit now than it would be later (This was a habit from the orphange), well two screaming nights later, we were all sleeping through the night.
I have a co-worker who is still trying to break their 5 year old son from sleeping with them, but they continue to give in to stop him from crying and throwing fits in the middle of the night. She wishes she would have broke him of the habit much earlier. We just really enjoy the fact that Alex sleeps in her own crib, in her own room. I guess I have come to the reasoning that when I put her in her crib I want her to know that it is time to sleep.
I am by no means telling you that you are wrong, I just hear about the problems of letting children sleep with you. I don't really know if if that is the right way, I just don't know if I want my child screaming in the middle of the night because I won't let her sleep in our bed.
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