Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Frazzled, but home

Can I say it again? I am SO glad to be home. Even though things aren't going as well as I would have hoped, it is still great being home. I drove for the first time today. It was amazing! I'm still as aggressive as always--of course I was sans baby! I bet I will be more conscientious when she is in the car with me.

We are currently trying to put Lilli to sleep. This has been going on for the last 55 minutes. She fights it so hard and absolutely refuses to sleep in her crib. I am partially to blame for this because I let her sleep with me in China. The crib they supplied at the White Swan was horrible and I couldn't get her to sleep in it. Maybe she was just playing me?! So now she is screaming because we have put her in her crib. She is super sleepy and won't give in. I'm trying to convince myself that it is still a strange place for her and that it has to be scary. I feel like a bad parent because I have allowed her to sleep with us and not forced her to stay in her crib. It's pretty hard to listen to your child scream for 40 minutes. Todd is currently playing a sleep-inducing CD (it works on me) and has turned on the fan for some "white noise". We'll see. I have a feeling that as soon as he leaves the room she will start screaming again. I gave up after 30 minutes. I'm pretty much at my wits end! So, if anyone has any suggestions on how I can get this child to sleep in her crib, please let me know. I've had people weigh in on both sides of the coin in regards to sleeping with us vs. sleeping in her crib; let her cry vs. go and get her. Did I really sign up for this?

Everything else seems to have fallen apart since we got home as well. The child who could not be satisfied food-wise has now become a picky eater. We currently have about 5 foods in our repertoire: chicken, noodles, fruity cheerios, yogurt and bananas. She won't touch watermelon or regular Cheerios. She has eaten some new food and seems to like a few of them but I can't see giving her ice cream and blueberry pie for every meal.

She had her first doc app't on Monday and it went well. The doc thought she looked good. They gave her four shots, a TB test, and took four vials of blood. She is starting to get braver about walking and I think in several days she will be a walking diva. She loves music and ironically, she loves the pool. I say ironically because she still hates the bathtub and bath time. I've done everything I can think of to get her to enjoy baths including playing Beach Boys tunes and donning a coconut bra. I guess this, like everything else, is going to take some time.

I will end by saying that she has one heck of a cute smile and can melt her dad and me just by flashing it. She really is a cutie and we are so lucky to have her. Sometimes I look at her and wonder how we got so fortunate. I know the "devil days" will be a fond memory in years to come so I am trying to focus on the future and remember that everyday things will get a little better.


1 comment:

Lorie said...

Thanks for the encouragement Laurel! When is your LID?
